UK based Advanced Sensors continues to deliver maintenance free online analysis with their range of OIW EX series oil in water analysers. The OIW EX 100 and EX1000 series of oil-in-water analysers offer a number of market firsts including:
- Ultrasonic self-cleaning, 100% maintenance free
- Laser-based UV fluorescence
- Remote connectivity
- Enhanced measuring range up to 20,000ppm
- Real time UV full scan spectrometer
100% successful in the field
Our operating customers have benefited from our innovative technology overcoming technical challenges whilst achieving significant cost savings and performance benefits.
In a number of cases the operators have tried a number of conventional oil in water analysers which would always encounter technical challenges. The OIW EX1000 has been retrofitted to overcome these challenges with a 100% success rate.
Case study 1
Waxy precipitates continuously fouled the optics of conventional analysers. The OIW EX100 was installed and performed continuously for 16 months with no requirement for cleaning. Excellent correlation to lab analysis has resulted in a reduction in lab work.
Case study 2
Existing OIW monitors had poor or no correlation to lab analysis. The OIW EX1000 spectrometer identified process chemicals were periodically present influencing the existing monitors. The OIW EX1000 measures dispersed hydrocarbons accurately isolating the effect of process chemicals.
Case study 3
The produced water stream at a reception terminal has a variable cocktail of hydrocarbons making accurate calibration impossible for existing OIW monitors. The patented optical arrangement of the OIW EX series analyzers is stable with calibration independent of oil type. Excellent correlation is achieved with no calibration adjustment. A rolling average of less than 1ppm deviation is achieved over 16 months of continuous operation.
Case study 4
An operator wants to achieve a common method for environmental discharge reporting. The challenges to overcome included:
- Maintenance free performance
- Correlation to GC-FID in line with OSPAR alternative analysis guidelines
- Stable calibration for a variety of hydrocarbon types from heavy crudes (API 17) to light gas condensate
In extensive laboratory testing and field installations, it was proven that the OIW EX1000 oil in water analyser was the only system to meet these performance requirements.
Case study 5
Maintenance intensive analysers do not provide continuous uptime. Confidence in real time alarming cannot be achieved. The OIW EX1000 has proven to provide 14 months maintenance free, real time monitoring of produced water discharges before requiring a service.
The operators who have benefited from these experiences have presented technical presentations and white papers which can be found on our website. They have reported the following key benefits:
- Significant installation, maintenance and mobilisation savings
- 24-hour process visibility
- Real time discharge management
- Process optimisation and improved recovery
- Reduction in lab time and use of solvents
- Legislative reporting