Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments, Inc. of Fresno, CA, USA announces that the USCG has completed the certification of the TD-4100 for bilge water monitoring per International Maritime Organization requirements MEPC.107(49). This certification replaces the original IMO Resolution MEPC. 60(33) with new and updated test standards. The independent laboratory testing involves oil in water measurement parameters for two different bilge oils and vibration and inclination tests.
The TD-4100 continuous oil in water monitor is qualified for oily bilge water discharge monitoring applications in any marine application. It is also certified by Transport Canada to a special Canadian bilge water discharge requirement of 5ppm according to the “Standard for Performance and Test Specifications for Bilge Alarms for Use in Canadian Inland Waters”.
The TD-4100 sets the standard for oil in water measurement with Ultraviolet Fluorescence (UVF) technology to detect and measure oil in water in all industrial and marine markets. UVF is the standard technology for the entire Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments’ product line including continuous on-line monitors and bench top oil in water analyzers.
For more information, please contact sales@oilinwatermonitors.com or visit our web site at www.oilinwatermonitors.com or call +559 253-1414.