Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments invites you to join us at WEFTEC 2008, booth number 15098, to see the newest breakthrough in oil in water technology.
On the success of the TD-4100 oil in water monitor, installed on many environmental and industrial applications, we now introduce the new, low cost, easy to use, TD-1000C oil content monitor. With the ability to detect hydrocarbons as low as 20ppb (parts per billion), it provides the earliest warning of oil contamination.
The excellent sensitivity of the TD-1000C allows plant operators to detect oil leaks in steam condensate or cooling water long before it becomes a problem. Its wide operating range (well over 500ppm) also allows plant operators to make decisions within the discharge parameters of the facility. “Many of our instruments are employed to divert off-spec water to oil removal systems to prevent environmental damage,” says Gary Bartman, president.
Because only hydrocarbons fluoresce in the optical range of the monitor, the TD-1000C is not significantly influenced by water turbidity or suspended solids. Further, an internal sensor system automatically compensates for cell condition and turbidity to maintain stability. This same feature alerts the operators if cleaning is necessary.
The instrument is pre-calibrated at the factory for easy installation in the field. This allows the instrument to be installed and functioning in less than one hour, without the need for special training or expensive field service. When installed to monitor any water system that could be contaminated with oil, the TD-1000C will provide early and reliable detection of leaks and low maintenance operation.
We will also be demonstrating the TD-500D portable oil in water analyzer. The TD-500D is dust and waterproof, less than one pound in weight, battery operated, and is the only truly portable instrument of its kind.