A Consequence Based Assessment Method/Software Model to Facilitate the Safe Location and Design of Occupied Buildings on or In Close Proximity to Process Facilities
Ensuring the safe location and design of occupied buildings (permanent or temporary) is high on the agenda of key stakeholders - industry, regulators, and the workforce, not to mention members of the public who have a vested interest in the area. The significant amount of analytical work required in support of such an analysis represents a key barrier to conducting such studies in a detailed manner. It is often the case that a range of simplifications are utilised that can result in a less than realistic assessment.
This paper describes the implementation of two of the most widely used vapour cloud explosion (VCE) models, namely the TNO multi-energy (ME) and Baker-Strehlow-Tang (BST) into Phast, a general purpose onshore consequence analysis software package developed by DNV GL.
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