We provide mechanical pipeline cleaning and gauging, chemical cleaning with oil and water soluble reagents, application of corrosion inhibitors on internal pipeline surface, piggability studies, cleaning procedures and recommendations for difficult pipelines.
Chemical cleaning dramatically increases the efficiency of soft and hard wax deposit removal from the internal pipeline surface to maintain/restore/enhance their flow capacity. Chemical cleaning is an inevitable procedure for a pipeline conversion from crude oil to refined oil product or gas transportation. It removes crude oil deposits from the pipeline that could contaminate a new product (mainly sulphur compounds).
Chemical cleaning after shut-down by pig train containing the appropriate reagent makes remedial repairs, revalidation, decommissioning and abandonment projects significantly quicker, cheaper and safer. Instant achievement of the explosion-safe conditions after the chemical cleaning enables the repair or replacement of a number of pipes with flame cutting and welding in a remarkably short time. Therefore the required downtime, costs and all risks are reduced significantly.
Risk of test water contamination with product remaining in the pipeline during hydrostatic retesting is eliminated.
CEPS provides:
- Delivery of the most effective chemical reagent
- Design, manufacturing and delivery of special pig traps and manifolds
- Determining the needed quantity and volume of cleaning batches, number and type of cleaning pigs, concentration of reagent, proposing the cleaning sequence and procedure of pigging
- Online (in-service) or offline chemical cleaning
- Discharging of hydrocarbons from the pipeline with pigs driven by pressurised nitrogen
- Application of corrosion inhibitors
- Waste disposal
CEPS main references
- 2005: Chemical cleaning of 50km of 12in crude oil pipeline for converting to refined oil product transport in Czech Republic
- 2007: Emptying, chemical cleaning and exchanging of 32 pipes on 10km 21incrude oil pipeline section in 88 hours in Czech Republic
- 2001 – 2012: Emptying and chemical cleaning of over 600km of 6in to 28in crude oil/product pipelines in Czech Republic and Slovakia
- 2009 – 2012: Emptying, chemical cleaning, corrosion inhibitor application and filling with nitrogen of 250km of 28in crude oil pipeline in Latvia
- 2013 – 2014: Chemical cleaning of 180km of crude oil pipeline for converting to refined oil product transport in Russia