HOT Engineering Reservoir, Geophysical and Geological Exploration and Production Training Courses
HOT Engineering has more than 20 years’ experience in reservoir consultancy and is a leading provider of advanced and integrated geological, geophysical, petrophysical, reservoir and production engineering technology. Headquartered in Austria, we are well positioned to offer state-of-the-art training.
Our training courses provide the opportunity to interact with internationally renowned instructors and state-of-the-art software tools. Our instructors have vast in-depth experience, both in their respective technical fields and in various aspects of the international petroleum community.
Exploration and production training services
HOT Engineering’s exploration and production (E&P) training services include public, as well as customer-tailored training which can include HR tasks such as competence assessment, development and progression tracking, thus forming an all-round competence-management package.
Petroleum industry training courses
We have been delivering training courses to the petroleum industry for almost 20 years to over 220 organisations. Our customers range from small oil companies to major corporations and include governmental and international institutions as well as research and consultancy companies.
Upstream training programs
HOT Engineering’s training services provide a comprehensive range of upstream training programs and include public as well as customer-tailored courses for both technical and non-technical professionals. We have the expertise to design and to present courses and programs to clients’ specific needs.
Our courses provide the opportunity to interact with professional, highly qualified and internationally renowned instructors, who have vast in-depth experience, both in their respective technical fields and in various aspects of the international petroleum community.
E&P public training courses
HOT Engineering has scheduled around 60 public courses throughout 2009 to accommodate a range of training requirements. Our public courses (3-5 days) are held in European, Middle and Far Eastern locations and cover the following:
- Geology, geophysics and petrophysics
- Reservoir and production engineering
- Drilling
- Petroleum business management
- Soft skills and management training
Our public courses are delivered in English. We have selected first-class course venues in Dubai, Doha, Houston, Kuala Lumpur, Trondheim and Vienna.
Geology and geophysics training courses
Our geology and geophysics training courses range from introductory courses, covering the fundamental elements of petroleum geology, to reservoir geology, carbonate geology for oil and gas exploration, wellsite and operations geology and petroleum geomechanics.
Most of our geology and geophysics training courses are five days long.
Petrophysics training courses
We offer the following range of courses in petrophysics, which are three to five days long:
- Foundations of petrophysics
- Integrated petrophysics for reservoir characterisation
- Carbonate and fracture petrophysics
- Production logging and reservoir monitoring
- Characterization of oil and gas reservoirs with neural network technology
Drilling training courses
We offer introductory and advanced training courses in drilling.
Reservoir engineering training courses
Our range of reservoir engineering training courses is vast and includes the following:
- Reservoir engineering for non-reservoir engineers
- Special core analysis
- Advanced PVT and EOS fluid characterisation
- Advanced reservoir simulation
- Streamline simulation in reservoir engineering and management
For a full list of reservoir engineering courses, please visit our website.
Production engineering training courses
We offer four production engineering training courses, which are taught over three to five days. These include production engineering, production chemistry in oil and gas production, multiphase flow metering and well completion design for reservoirs with sanding problems.
Petroleum business management courses
We provide petroleum business management courses in decision and risk analysis, and petroleum economics and business.
Tailored E&P training courses
Most of our public courses are also available for on-site or in-house presentation. Additional courses can be provided upon request.
Petroleum-related new-hire and long-term training programs
We have the experience and capability to design and deliver training programs on many petroleum-related subjects. By taking into account a company’s requirements, course objectives, and the background and experience of the participants, we will find the optimal balance between classroom, workshop and on-the-job-training.
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Parkstrasse 6