
  • Capturing Emissions

    Emissions control is here to stay. Gareth Evans examines the effect this is having on worldwide hydrocarbons operations.

  • OMV’s Shift in Strategy

    OMV CFO David Davies tells our sister publication FDE how the oil company seeks to maximise cashflow during hard times.

  • Putting Energy into Coatings

    The energy sector presents challenges like no other when it comes to formulating effective and durable coatings. Dr Gareth Evans explores the latest technologies impacting the oil and gas market.

  • Economic Rescue Still on The Horizon

    The oil and gas industry is building itself up after the recession but there are still waves to ride out. The outlook remains positive, however, long-term planning is becoming increasingly...

  • Jatropha Feeds Indian Biodiesel Industry

    India's government is putting its support behind the cultivation of jatropha as a biodiesel feedstock. GlobalData reports on how this may help the nation to meet its growing demand for...

  • Fatigue Analysis Software

    Fatigue analysis software can breathe new life into road assets and save time and money during the design process. But how reliable are the readings, particularly for testing loads on...

  • Reducing the Burn

    The global economic crisis has hit every industry, and the oil and gas sector is no exception. Analyst firm Global Data summarises how the oil and gas industry has fared...

  • Tank Technologies Keep it Clean

    Getting storage cleaning and coating right is a big challenge for the oil and gas industry. It has huge repercussions for the environment and the safety of workers. Dr Gareth...

  • LNG Market is On the Up Down Under

    Australian oil and gas companies are planning US$160bn worth of domestic investment. A huge proportion of this will go to the LNG sector. A report by GlobalData examines what impact...
